Monday, December 19, 2011

6 Nights Till Christmas

Only six nights till Christmas and only three more days of exams. I'm all ready for Christmas, Christmas tree is up, lights are up, Presents are wrap... oops! Just finished editing the video for James's Funny Videos a few minutes ago and I must say, I LIKE IT!!!! Well 2011 is almost finished and its been a wild ride, i've had my ups and downs as have most of you. Well I better go wrape the presents and study for my last few exams. Talk to you all in the new year :-)


Thursday, December 1, 2011


So I haven't updated my blog in a long time... nearly a year now, but boy was this year great! It all started in the summer when I went down to Kerry camping for a few weeks, that was a load of fun. Then I had a summer camp in Oyster-Haven where I first met my girlfriend Catriona. We have going out now for 6 months and wow it's been fun. Almost Christmas now and MrScanclan Live is back again. This year we are raising money for they look after homeless animals and I love animals so I'm defo supporting them. Oh god there is only 11 more school days until my Christmas exams.. ahhhh!! Great news YouTube have just started paying me to make videos on I'm not making much but at least its something. Well that's all I have to say really, I'll might make another blog closer to Christmas or even after it. See ya later ;-)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Its 2011, i hope you all have a brill 2010. Here's My 2011 Vid.